“每一轮月亮都是独一无二的艺术品”。Seesaw Coffee 希望将天南地北不同城市和自然的灵感,打包装进一座小小的“美术馆”,在充满美好祝福的节日里送给更多热爱生活和艺术朋友。
项目以“美术馆”为创意核心,从包装形式到视觉传达,串联起材料、结构、颜色、图形,创造更丰富的感官交互。自由拼接的结构,与美术馆灵活的空间相呼应。正面以留白图形填充空间,创造身处“月光下”的体验;翻转至另一面,将画板交由使用者自由涂鸦创作,真正成为“独一无二的艺术品”。礼盒中月饼和咖啡挂耳,视觉上运用代表地域或风味的手绘图形,在良好识别性的基础上,传递 Seesaw“创造活力”与“艺术质感”的品牌理念。
"Each moon phase is a unique work of art. "
Seesaw Coffee encapsulates inspiration from various cities and nature into a compact gallery, sharing it with life and art enthusiasts during festive moments.
Centered around the gallery concept, the project seamlessly blends materials, structure, colors, and graphics, offering an immersive experience. The adaptable structure mirrors the flexibility of an art gallery. On one side, blank graphics evoke a moonlit atmosphere; on the reverse, users can freely doodle, creating a one-of-a-kind artwork. Inside, hand-drawn graphics on mooncakes and coffee bags represent regions and flavors, embodying Seesaw Coffee brand philosophy of creative vitality and artistic texture.